i’m so spoiled

okay i accept and know this. i tend to get what i want even when folks don’t know they are giving me what i want. my work day was VERY satisfying. between people telling me they love me for giving them chocolate and my clients all seeming to be on task and feeling better it was a good afternoon. and after a series of near misses the thing i really wanted today happened too. once my last client left for the day i finally caught up with Roaming Soldier. i love seeing His name pop up on my computer but i hate it when i miss it because i’m in a meeting or in session or whatever it is i’m doing. it makes me pout a little. i wanted to talk to Him as i was sealing up the box i have been carefully assembling for Him. and lucky me i got what i wanted (yeah buddy)! i have no idea why i wanted to, it wasn’t like He was going to be able to get His hands on it faster just because i was talking to Him or because i was going to tell Him about all the surprises hidden in it because well i wouldn’t. off tangent for a minute. i usually run by this one post office to mail things after work and when i don’t get a certain employee i have a great time, when i do i always leave annoyed as all hell. i got her today and whoo she makes me sick. back on track. well i wanted to talk to Him so i did and it was just as cute as i had imagined it would be. hopefully He likes everything in there, especially the pictures i stashed in there for Him. none too revealing, not sure what happened to the one that you could clearly see my butterfly tattoo on but it wasn’t there when i went to print them out. instead He got a plethora of other silly photos complete with purple sticky notes to explain what He’s looking at lol.

that was the only part of His gift box i was nervous about. i am sure He’ll like everything else in there, i mean we share a twisted brain path, but we haven’t seen one another yet. i don’t think i’m a troll or anything lol but i will never be confused for Halle Berry’s slightly less than sane self. He’ll get to see Daddy Bear too lol so we’ll see how all of that works out in a few weeks probably once the box gets to Him off in the desert. a nervous spoiled child is an interesting mix just in case you were wondering. but that’s exactly what i am at the moment. okay well i’m done rambling and i am sorta hungry. i’ll be back later i THINK. my brain has drifted off into cookie peddling space and i’ll probably feel a need to share.

okay see ya

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