just checking in

i stopped crying. then i got angry. then i sat down and did all i thought i could do right then. i emailed my committee chair and told her that really i have rarely gotten upset about anything connected to this process but i was upset enough to break down on monday night. i do not have time other than when i planned on working on this to do it. i didn’t hear from her until middle of the day today and we are back on our altered time schedule. the reply sounded a bit ummm snippy and i was urged to calm down again but really i couldn’t decide all of a sudden i wasn’t going to do it after we set up a meeting time so why should they be able to? oh they do have the nice shiny degrees already but i’m tired, stressed and have way more than my share on my plate right now. this has not been nearly as pleasant as i expected it would be but it will be over soon. praise him lol.

i don’t think this will be much longer. about a month and a half ago Roaming Soldier and i discussed the spankings (of the fun variety) i was accumulating with my stories and what not. it was 200 at the time–i didn’t clarify if that was strokes of the paddle OR nightly spankings cause i wasn’t trying to add to them–and i had to add six each day lol. i just did the math and as of right now i’m up to 470. that really made me smile for some reason. no protracted session could be tolerated if He was trying to get to 470 but the thought of His hand on my behind making it all nice and warm was smile inducing. i’m actually kinda sleepy–go figure–so i’m going to send Him an email and head to bed. i’ll be off and on till i leave and then i’ll have to say hi when i can.

see ya

red velvet


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red velvet —


A touch that feels feather like

‘How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?’ at QuizUniverse.com

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Carrying around a gun shaped like a penis

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‘What will the porno of your life be called?’ at QuizUniverse.com

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