oh my own, this isn’t how it was supposed to end..

sorry when i typed in the title i started singing. we haven’t split up, i just like the song. i’m by myself because someone is still gone and mom left on Tuesday quite unexpectedly to head to my brother’s place. so it’s just been me and a rainy week. my hair hasn’t appreciated it in the slightest. trying to decide if i am going to take my hairdresser’s advice and start transitioning to natural. i CANNOT whack it all off. it’s taken too long to grow it out in the first place and keep it healthy so can’t negate all that progress and hope for the best. i really don’t have much to say lol, was just stopping in when i had a moment instead of forgetting about it like i normally do. how is everyone? heck i don’t even know if anyone is reading this anymore. ahh well, see ya later.

1 thought on “oh my own, this isn’t how it was supposed to end..”

  1. Yes Red I am still reading…have something to say but have to formulate first *grins*.

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